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Presentation of the “Nitreos Aquatic” Project

💧 Presentation of the “Nitreos Aquatic” Project: Estimation of the real nitrogen needs of rice cultivation, with applications of ground observation data, to reduce leaching and surface runoff of nitrogen and the protection of the aquatic environment”
📣Yesterday, Tuesday, October 17, 2023, the presentation day of the Project “Nitreos Aquatic: Assessment of the real nitrogen needs of rice cultivation, with earth observation data applications, to reduce nitrogen leaching and surface runoff and protect the aquatic environment”, in the hall of the TOEB Mikros Monastiriou.
The conference was attended by stakeholders and local producers as well as representatives of the corporate structure which consists of: Open Mellon – Education – Consulting – Business Incubator SA (Coordinating partner), the company AgroApps, ELGO Dimitra / Institute of Soil and Water Resources and the Group of Producers Agricultural Enterprises of Mikros Monastiri II IKE.
The aim of the project is to protect the aquatic environment through the control of nitrogen quantities during fertilization in rice crops.
The day was welcomed by the head of the Producers’ Group, Mr. Dionysis Geltsos, and the Mayor of Chalkidona, Mr. Stavros Anagnostopoulos, who emphasized the importance of implementation of the project in the wider region as well as the contribution of the Program to the interconnection of research with production through the pilot implementation of projects and the cooperation of entities active in the agricultural sector sector, with the aim of strengthening the sustainability and productivity of agriculture, protecting the environment and adapting to climate change.
The floor was taken by Mr. Sotiris Serdenis, representative of Open Mellon, who presented the general elements of the project, the objectives and the implementation methodology of the proposed actions.
This was followed by the presentation of Mr. Vassilis Ashonitis, appointed researcher of ELGO Dimitra, regarding the management of nutrients and cultivation practices in rice cultivation.
The conference program was concluded with the presentation of Mrs. Panagiota Dassiou, Agronomist – AgroApps, on the optimization of inputs in rice cultivation using the NITREOS digital platform, and with a discussion of the participants regarding the practical application of what was mentioned in their crops.
The project is implemented and co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) of the European Union and national resources through the Program of Rural Development 2014-2020 (PAA) (transaction code M16SYN2-00027).
📣Yesterday, Tuesday, October 17, 2023, the presentation day of the Project “Nitreos Aquatic: Assessment of the real nitrogen needs of rice cultivation, with earth observation data applications, to reduce nitrogen leaching and surface runoff and protect the aquatic environment”, in the hall of the TOEB Mikros Monastiriou.
The conference was attended by stakeholders and local producers as well as representatives of the corporate structure which consists of: Open Mellon – Education – Consulting – Business Incubator SA (Coordinating partner), the company AgroApps, ELGO Dimitra / Institute of Soil and Water Resources and the Group of Producers Agricultural Enterprises of Mikros Monastiri II IKE.
The aim of the project is to protect the aquatic environment through the control of nitrogen quantities during fertilization in rice crops.
The day was welcomed by the head of the Producers’ Group, Mr. Dionysis Geltsos, and the Mayor of Chalkidona, Mr. Stavros Anagnostopoulos, who emphasized the importance of implementation of the project in the wider region as well as the contribution of the Program to the interconnection of research with production through the pilot implementation of projects and the cooperation of entities active in the agricultural sector sector, with the aim of strengthening the sustainability and productivity of agriculture, protecting the environment and adapting to climate change.
The floor was taken by Mr. Sotiris Serdenis, representative of Open Mellon, who presented the general elements of the project, the objectives and the implementation methodology of the proposed actions.
This was followed by the presentation of Mr. Vassilis Ashonitis, appointed researcher of ELGO Dimitra, regarding the management of nutrients and cultivation practices in rice cultivation.
The conference program was concluded with the presentation of Mrs. Panagiota Dassiou, Agronomist – AgroApps, on the optimization of inputs in rice cultivation using the NITREOS digital platform, and with a discussion of the participants regarding the practical application of what was mentioned in their crops.
The project is implemented and co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) of the European Union and national resources through the Program of Rural Development 2014-2020 (PAA) (transaction code M16SYN2-00027).